Jan Smit
Nature Photographer

Jan Smit, nature photographer, lives in the most northern part of the province of North Holland. In nature photography Jan’s many qualities and interests converge. His creativity, knowledge of the natural world and his love of the technique of photography make him a successful photographer.
In the field his reverence for the animals in their natural habitat shows. From Jan’s portfolio it is obvious that he is a versatile photographer. He is a master of micro-, macro- and landscape photography.
Jan has always been interested in the landscapes, flora and fauna of his native Holland, but he is also fascinated by places further afield.
To Jan a picture should always tell a story, it should be more than just a pleasing aesthetic experience. He likes to share his work with others. You can find him on Facebook/Instagram and he is a regular contributor to several magazines. He also presents his images in meetings with the public throughout the Netherlands. These evenings are arranged around either a theme or a geographical location, like Northern Scandinavia.
During winter Jan Smit organizes workshops at different levels. In these workshops he shows the participants the workings of his own “Smithy”. His expertise and his patience are what his students most appreciate, no one has yet left a workshop without a great sense of satisfaction and achievement, the atmosphere is always relaxed.