Albert Rösch
The Mountain Photograper - Fjällfotografen

"I believe that none of us needs to reconnect with nature. We just need to remember - that we ARE nature.
The Extraordinary of the ordinary. Simplicity. Stillness. These guiding principles are ever present in my work. With the rugged mountain world of Jämtland literally at the doorstep, the possibilities for exploration and play are countless. The sharp contrasts between unforgiving cold and breathtaking beauty, the gentle colours and deepest darkness, sweeping winds and gobsmacking stillness. A true paradise.
I am a nature photographer and guide based in Edsåsdalen, a tiny mountain village of Northern Sweden. Guided experiences in the wild, meetings with animals, campfires and good coffee is what you can expect at the very least. And if there is something called coming home to yourself - wouldn't that be great too? "